Prezentare de caz – pierderea completă și recuperarea cvasi-completă a acuității vizuale după ocluzia arterei oftalmice cu grefa adipoasă.
Autori: Alexandra Szantyr, Michal Orski, Cracowia, Polonia
Traducere abstract: Dr. Argentina Vidrașcu, Președinte SRCE
Odată cu creșterea popularității lipotransferului facial în scop estetic, ar trebui să luăm în considerare posibilitatea complicațiilor oculare severe.
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- Accesări: 1270
Abstract and Introduction
Summary: Advances in computer science and photography not only are pervasive but are also quantifiably influencing the practice of medicine. Recent progress in both software and hardware technology has translated into the design of advanced artificial neural networks: computer frameworks that can be thought of as algorithms modeled on the human brain. In practice, these networks have computational functions, including the autonomous generation of novel images and videos, frequently referred to as "deepfakes."
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- Accesări: 1020
Dear Colleagues,
In most countries, regulations restricting elective surgery were enacted during the COVID--19 era.
With these recommendations, we as an international society try to comply with the currently different stages and situations in the different countries with regard to COVID-19. As a scientific society, we have carried out an extensive literature review under the leadership of Dr. Kai Kaye, Chair of ISAPS COVID-19 Task Force, to ensure that our recommendations are backed up by evidence-based data to help you find your way back to a new normality when elective surgery is possible again.
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- Accesări: 1372
Editor's note: Find the latest COVID-19 news and guidance in Medscape's Coronavirus Resource Center.
Deaths have fallen among hospitalized COVID-19 patients this year, which could indicate that doctors have a better understanding of how to treat the disease and that coronavirus mitigation strategies are working.
The decline happened across all patient groups, including older adults and people with underlying conditions, according to two peer-reviewed studies that will soon be published in the Journal of Hospital Medicine and Critical Care Medicine.
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- Accesări: 1394